Monday, November 17, 2008

Mr. Telephone Man

It seems like Daniela teaches Max a cool new trick every day. This is my favorite so far. One day he started to pick up the telephone whenever you said "hello?" to him. It's the cutest thing. He's got a ton of other cute things that he's done but as you know, as soon as you finally find the camera, the moment is over. Anyways, as you can see he's doing great... laughing, giggling, screaming, drooling and walking all day long. As usual, please turn up the volume on your computer to fully enjoy the video.


esjay. said...

my telephone man.

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this one! ^.^
(auntie angie)

sorrytryagain said...

That was actually me on the other line Billy! I need to borrow a cup of sugar.